About NOVO

The NOVO network is a Nordic non-governmental professional association whose aims are to foster the scientific progress, knowledge and development of the working environment within Healthcare as an integrated part of production system development. The vision is a “Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems” in the healthcare sector. It was founded in 2006 in Copenhagen and has since 2007 been financially supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers

Board Members (national contacts)


Kasper Edwards (Chairman)
Production and Service Management
Department of Management Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Bygning 424
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: 0045 4525 6010

Peter Hasle and Thim Prætorius
Aalborg University
Center for Industrial Production, Ballerup


Timo Sinervo  
THL National Institute for Health and Welfare PALO/PAAR,
P.O. Box 30, 00271 Helsinki,
Phone: +358 20 610 72 31     
e-mail: Timo.sinervo@thl.fi (suppleant)

Tuula Oksanen
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health


Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir
University of Iceland, Faculty of Nursing,
Eiriksgata 34, IS-101 Reykjavik,
Tel: (+354) 525 4919       
e-mail: sigrungu@hi.is

Aðalbjörg Stefanía Helgadóttir
Nurse manager at The NLFI Spa and Medical Clinic


Beate André

Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag
Avdeling for sykepleie 
Arne Orvik 
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
e-mail: arne.orvik@ntnu.no



Andrea Eriksson
KTH, Sweden
e-mail: andrea4@kth.se


Peter Almström
Department of Technology Management and Economics,
Chalmers University of Technology

17 JANUARY 2025